Zoom Comsa, Honduras

Comsa, Honduras


🍎 Red Apple 🍇 Raisins 🌰 Candied Pecans

☀️ Natural 

We sourced this coffee from COMSA, a cooperative based in Honduras. COMSA (Café Orgánico Marcala S.A.) was founded in 2001 by 65 farmers in response to the global coffee price crisis. Recognising the potential of organic and certified coffee markets, the cooperative became Fairtrade certified in 2005, and today produces 100% Fairtrade and organic coffee.

This particular lot is produced by Dilcia Bautista, a member of COMSA for 15 years, on her farm Finca La Colmena. you can read more about her farm below.

Naturally processed, this coffee is full of boozy, fruity flavours, complemented by a sweet, mouth coating body. Sweet raisin and dates, toasted hazelnuts and a dark chocolate body make this the perfect coffee to enjoy during the dark winter months!

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Comsa, Honduras

Dilcia Bautista has been with Comsa for 15 years. Her farm Finca La Colmena which means beehive. The farm is 9 manzanas (6.3 hectares) but only uses 5 manzanas (3.5 hectares) for coffee. A lot of the farm is kept for wildlife, and she has 25 beehives and dozens more burrowing bees, as well as a garden of red flowers she keeps just for the hummingbirds. She also keeps goats, chickens, and turkeys on the farm, which all produce organic fertiliser. Diversification has been a big part of staying in business. She grows a lot of different varietals on her farm including Maragogype, which has been cupping so well they have sent it to be analysed. Washed, honey and natural coffees are all created on her farm and turns in 120 quintales (5500kg) of parchment to the coop each year.
Dilcia also grows a lot of sugarcane on her farm, and all the by products from turning it into sugar gets composted and used as fertiliser.


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